Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pin Hole Camera

Pin hole camera was invented by a Muslim scientist ibn-al-haitham. An Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century; established experiments as the norm of proof in physics (died in 1040). Another inventor is the tenth century optician and physicist Abu Ali al-Hassan ibn al-Hassan ibn al-Haytham, simply known as al-Haytham, who invented the pinhole camera and discovered how the eye works. The ancient Greeks thought our eyes emitted rays, like a laser, which enabled us to see. The first person to realize that light enters the eye, rather than leaving it, was the 10th-century Muslim mathematician, astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haytham. He invented the first pinhole camera after noticing the way light came through a hole in window shutters. The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura (from the Arab word qamara for a dark or private room). He was also credited with being the first man to shift physics from a philosophical activity to an experimental one. Pinhole cameras are one of the earliest styles of camera ever created. So what is a pinhole camera? It is essentially a small-enclosed box with a tiny hole placed on one of the sides. When light is allowed to entire through the tiny hole, an image of the object directly outside the hole is projected onto the opposite side of the box. We will explore pinhole camera history a little deeper so you learn more about how they first came into being. Many scientists and others observed and wrote about the phenomenon from the ancient Chinese to the Greeks. But it wasn't until the 11th century that someone actually wrote about the principals of the pinhole camera and created the camera obscura to study it. Ibn al-Haytham wrote his â€Å"Book of Optics† in 1021, and created his own pinhole camera, then later the camera obscura. Al-Haytham discovered he could sharpen his reflected, inverted image by shrinking the pinhole or aperture. Essentially, a pinhole camera is a light-tight box, usually rounded like an oatmeal box, with a pinhole in one side. The image outside the camera is projected through the pinhole where it is reversed and shown upside down on the rear of the box. With no film yet available to record the image, al-Haytham constructed the camera obscura, which is a room-sized pinhole camera where the observer can get inside the apparatus and observe the image. For hundreds of years, people used the camera obscura/pinhole camera to draw or paint the image projected. They used people, animals and landscapes as their models. While these images were not exact, they were an important step on the way to photography, because the pinhole camera served as a model for the first cameras. Discarded as quaint for many years, pinhole cameras first made a comeback with artists in the 1960s. Since then, they have become the focus of hobbyists, Cub Scout packs and other educational venues. Since all it takes to build one is an oatmeal box and some light-sensitive paper or film, the pinhole camera can teach children about physics, light and photography with a little bit of the old â€Å"gosh, wow† effect. Using the pinhole technique is one of the most authentic ways to record photographic images. The technique is based on the principle of the camera obscura which is centuries old. Basically it's nothing more then a lightproof box with, in the middle of one side, a tiny little hole instead of a lens. The light works its way through the pinhole right into the enclosed room and that is how at the opposite side of the pinhole an image appears which is upside down. We can preserve the image by putting material which is sensitive to light at the side where the image shows up and develop it after exposure. Al hazen (Ibn Al-Haytham), a great authority on optics in the Middle Ages who lived around 1000AD, invented the first pinhole camera, (also called the Camera Obscura} and was able to explain why the images were upside down. The first casual reference to the optic laws that made pinhole cameras possible, as observed and noted by Aristotle around 330 BC, who questioned why the sun could make a circular image when it shined through a square hole. http://www. muslimheritage. com/topics/default. cfm? articleID=382 Made significant contributions to the principles of optics, as well as to anatomy, astronomy, engineering, mathematics, medicine, ophthalmology, philosophy, physics, psychology, visual perception, and to science in general with his introduction of the scientific method. He is sometimes called al-Basri   after his birthplace in the city of Basra in Iraq(Mesopotamia), then ruled by the Buyid dynasty of Persia. 3] Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the father of optics for his influential The Book of Optics, which correctly explained and proved the modern intromission theory of visual perception, and for his experiments on optics, including experiments on lenses, mirrors, refraction, reflection, and the dispersion of light into its constituent colors. [4] He studied binocular vision and the moon illusion, speculated on the finite speed, rectilinear propagation and electromagnetic aspects of light,[5] and argued that rays of light are streams of energy particles[6] travelling in straight lines. [7] Ibn al-Haytham described the pinhole camera and invented the camera obscura (a precursor to the modern camera),[14]discovered Fermat's principle of least time and the law of inertia (known as Newton's first law of motion),[15] discovered the concept of momentum (part of Newton's second law of motion),[16] described the attraction between masses and was aware of the magnitude of acceleration due to gravity at a distance,[17] discovered that the heavenly bodies were accountable to the laws of physics, presented the earliest critique and reform of the Ptolemaic model, first stated Wilson's theorem in number theory, pioneered analytic geometry, formulated and solved Alhazen's problem geometrically, developed and proved the earliest general formula for infinitesimal and integral calculus using mathematical induction,[18]and in his optical research laid the foundations for the later development of telescopic astronomy,[19] as well as for themicroscope and the use of optical aids in Renaiss ance art.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Children with Special Care Needs Fared Essay

Question #1: Academic Source This research study is from the â€Å"American Journal of Public Health†, Volume 103, and Issue 6. It was published online on April 18, 2013. The authors are, Reem M. Ghandour, D.Ph., Holly A. Grason, MA, Ashley H. Schempf, PhD, Bonnie B. Strickland, PhD, Michael D. Kogan, PhD, Jessica R. Jones, MPH, and Debra Nicholas, MD. This study was printed from the Rock Valley College’s online database. The title of the study is â€Å"Healthy People 2010 Leading Health Indicators: How Children with Special Care Needs Fared†. I pick this study because I am studying to be a pediatric nurse, so children greatly interest me. In high school I had the pleasure to work with about 15 different special need children. It was a really great experience to be able to work with these children since every single one of them was nothing alike. Each had their own unique way of communicating with me. I picked this study because it related to my past experience with children with special nee ds. Question #2: Sociological Theories This study forces on the Interactionist Theory more than the other two theories. This is because in this study it forces more on a group of people, meaning it make is a micro level analysis. The study forces on two groups, Child with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) and children without Special Health Care Needs (SHCN), and there interactions with their family and with themselves. With the Functional Theory, it could force on this study saying that with society support and working together and putting the right influences on these children then maybe there would be the problems that we are seeing. We need to provide a stable and safe environment for these groups of people and in time the problem will go away or be lesser then what it is now. However, with the Conflict Theory, it could just forces on how the society and environment has nothing to do with how these children health turn out. That there has to be someone in every level for it to stay balanced. The Conflict Theory is about the differentials in society such as gender, race, education, children with special health needs would be part of this. The struggle the have to go through and what their family has to go through to be able to make it in their class. Question #3: Variables This study doesn’t clearly state a hypothesis; however it does say, â€Å"the goal of this study was to provide a systematic assessment of key national health objectives, traditionally tracked for the population as a whole, but rarely reported or summarized for CSHCN using data from the NSCH† (e2). The independent variables for this study would be physical activity, mental health, environment quality and also access to health care. Even though the hypothesis doesn’t state all of the individual variables as such but it does state is as the overall well-being of the children being studied, there are the children with SHCN and then there are children without SHCN. The dependent variable would be the outcome of the children such as, being overweight or the use of tobacco, their social abilities, sexual behavior, injury and violence. Question #4: Operational Definitions The independent variables are clearly measured in this study. It says â€Å"Children were defined with SHCN if they experienced at least 1 of the 5 consequences associated with a chronic medical, behavioral or other health conditions that lasted or was expected to last at least 12 months. These consequences fell generally into 2 categories: (1) ongoing use of or need for medical, mental health, educational or other health-related therapies, including prescription medications, (2) functional limitations that prevented the child from engaging in age appropriate activities† ( e2). Question 5: Generalizability The generalization of this study was the leading indicator to how children with special health care needs are fared; these are children from just a few months old all the way to age 18. There were 12,820,481 samples from children with special health care needs and 56,916,484 samples from children with no special health care needs in 2003; in 2007 there was 14,136,454 children with special health care needs sampled and 59,622,162 children without special health care needs sampled. There is a huge difference in the number of samples between the two. It should have been a little bit more evened out to get the best results of them both. Question #6: Sample The sample in this study was both random and purposive. It was random because of the type of survey that was used. There was a â€Å"random-digit-dial and a population based telephone survey that fielded through the State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey mechanism†. Tis study was made random because it wasn’t based on gender, race, age, or background of the interviewee. However, what makes it purposive was that it only was studying a certain age group, children under the age of 18, with parent consent. That was what the study was basic on along with the randomness of the survey. Question #7: Research Under the size of the study I believe that a quantitative approach to the study was the best way to go. Surveying would be the best considering the about of children in a given area and also the fact that they are children, when they are meet with an unusual situation they may tend to act differently than they would have in the daily living, and also the parents may not have been comfortable have someone question or watching over their children for a research project. So in this study I believe that the authors did they correct approach with going with a survey method. It is less costly and can reach a bigger group of people then with the other methods.

The Effects of Neuromarketing in Consumer Behavior

Neuromarketing helps many companies and academics to understand how the neurons in our brains behave in such a way that stimulates and influences our desire to consume products from a particular brand. The purpose of my research was to find out what influences my buying decisions referencing the book Buy-ology by Martin Lindstrom, which talks a about a Neuromarketing study that used 2,000 volunteers from around the world and related to the concepts learned in Consumer Behavior class. A personal consumption Journal is an excellent source of information that describes in detail my personal consumption experiences helping me to be more attentive of my consumer habits when marketers try to influence my judgment towards a product. The journal of Stephen J Gould states that â€Å"introspection involves the provision of verbal data about one’s own experiences that are consciously available only to oneself†. The data I collected with my journal was important and useful because it gave me the opportunity to compare the findings of Lindstrom with my personal experiences as an active consumer of a capitalist society. The journal was a challenging task for me because it took me a long time to be adapted to maintain up to date the log, eventually it became a routine. My consumer journal revealed that I was constantly seduced by companies to buy more products of their brand using my sensory receptors to attract my attention. An example was Victoria secret, my favorite lingerie and beauty store that seduce me to enter the store with an appealing smell and a mannequin wearing beautiful lingerie. Once you walk into the store there is a feeling of privacy and comfort. A quote from my Journal says â€Å"the lovely smell and texture of the Victoria secret cream increase my desire to come back and buy more products†. I immediately related my experience with the concept learned in class about sensation which is the instant reaction of the sensory organs to a stimulus. Companies try to create unique scents for their products in order to remain in the mind of the shoppers. One example is the Johnson and Johnson’s baby cream that just by a quick smell of the product; you will be immediately transported to your childhood memories. Lindstrom states that these kinds of associations are why companies use the mell of vanilla which is found in breast milk. An experiment carried out by a clothing store revealed that when the vanilla scents were sprayed across the women’s department, sales of the female merchandising increase in high numbers. Today companies are more frequently adopting the Sensory branding because if the consumer perceives a enjoyable scent with an attractive and seductive product, we are more likely to remember the product making it easy to the company to stay in your subconscious. Many companies around the world are using Neuromarketing to meet success in launching their new product. One example is Christian Dior, which scanned its new perfume J’adore to a series of FMRI studies to determine its ad placements in the market. As a result, they gathered a great success in selling their perfume J’adore and coincidentally having me as one of their loyal consumer. Neuroscience is so powerful that can even determine by brain scans how much a consumer is willing to pay for a good or service. Lindstrom conducted a series of studies on how a consumer perceives prices and if it had an influence on the decision of buying the product. He says â€Å"When subjects view luxury products such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci being sold at full price, both the nucleus accumbens and the anterior cingulated light up, showing the pleasure of anticipatory reward mixed with the conflict about buying such an expensive doodad. But when consumers are shown the same products at a significant discount, the â€Å"conflict† signal decreases as the reward activation simultaneously goes up† (Lindstrom, 2008, 197). In my log, I wrote my experience when buying a dress for a special dinner I had in October. I went to the Guess store to try to find the perfect outfit for my special occasion, all the merchandise I liked was at retail price so I decided to go to Macys and look in the guess section for my surprise the dress I wanted in guess was priced at 25% off at Macys. In my mind the price of the dress persuade me to buy the item thinking that I was getting a good deal. The study of Lindstrom and my personal experience was a clearly example of reference prices which is the price a consumer utilize as a source for comparison in judging another price. Lindstrom recalls an interesting study in his book performed by researches from Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology in which they asked twenty volunteers to position their pleasure and delight of different priced wines under an FMRI. The trap was that two of the wines were presented twice, one with a high price and the other with a low price. The findings of the researches state â€Å"When the expensive wine was presented, there was a flurry of activity in subjects’ medial orbitofrontal cortices, where they perceive pleasantness-indicating that the higher price of a product enhances our enjoyment of it†. In my opinion, the use an expensive product makes us feel pleased because in our minds we relate quality with expensive prices which is not always true. In Colombia the prices of low quality clothing are very high compared with the income of the population. Every time I go back home I complain about the market and their prices, entrepreneurs tend to take advantage of the people by buying merchandise at a low price in the U. S and china and selling in Colombia for five times the wholesale price. I understand that is a business and profit need to be made but an extremely high price in products limits the consumer capacity to consume. The book Buy-ology by Martin Lindstrom explains how his recent research in Neuroscience reveals revolutionary concepts about how people are influence by various advertisements strategies. Lindstrom through a detail study of the brain evaluates the effectiveness of the subconscious ads and is able to determine that they are actually more effective than the traditional advertisement logos. In his book he explains the effectiveness of subliminal advertisement campaigns and depicts real life scenarios of the marketing world. Lindstrom in his three year study, with a cost of seven million, engaged some of the top Neuroscientists – Dr Gemma Calvert current chair in applied Neuroimaging at the University of Warwick, England and founder of Neurosense in Oxford was in charge of overseeing the research team for this study. One of the conducted case studies was to discover if subliminal messages would produce cravings similar to the ones generated by the traditional logos. They picked the tobacco industry for this experiment since it is one of the industries which have been forced to adopt new marketing strategies due to the global tobacco advertisement ban effort. Tobacco companies such as Marlboro and Camel have implemented subliminal messages in response to this ban which have now, after this research, proven to be more effective. Lindstrom writes â€Å" More fascinating still, when Dr Calvert compared the brains’ responses to the two different types of images, she found even more activity in the reward and craving centers when ubjects viewed the subliminal images than when they viewed the overt images. In other words, the logo-free images associated with cigarettes, like Ferrari and the sunset, triggered more cravings among smokers than the logos or images of the cigarette pack themselves† ( Lindstrom, 2008,84). Formula one being one of the top most watched sports in the world created an association between the competing teams and tob acco brands. Prior to the tobacco bans Formula one teams’ were sponsored primarily by cigarette companies such as Marlboro, Camel, Lucky Brand, etc and their logos were decaled all over the cars. For all those who were acquainted with the sport, this long-lasting relationship between teams and tobacco brands created an association in people’s perceptions that still exist today even when the tobacco logos have been removed form the cars. A clear example of this is Ferrari with Marlboro, their cars, drivers and mechanics jumpsuits are red just like the Marlboro original brand logo, but more interesting that this long lasting partnership with Phillip Morris was the barcode logo that they had been using up until the beginning of this year, which according to the experts, resembles the bottom of a Marlboro cigarette pack. John Britton, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and director of its tobacco advisory group, states, â€Å"according to the Times: â€Å"The bar code looks like the bottom half of a packet of Marlboro cigarettes. I was stunned when I saw it. This is pushing at the limits. If you look at how the bar code has evolved over the last four years, it looks like creeping branding. † (Pitpass. com). As being a Formula One fan myself, I experienced similar results to those conducted by Lindstrom. In my Journal, I noticed that my friends and I were always purchasing Marlboro cigarettes after watching a race. Unconsciously, I was having a desire to smoke without having being exposed to a Marlboro logo but instead having watched a red Ferrari car race around a circuit for two hours. This indicates that Marlboro has used subliminal message campaigns effectively through their partners creating a greater desire in consumers to purchase their product. This notion contradicts some of the findings of the effectiveness of subliminal persuasion in the book Consumer behavior (chapter 6). The book consumer behavior says â€Å"There is no evidence that subliminal advertising persuades people to buy goods and services. A comprehensive review of the literature indicates that subliminal perception has no effects on attitudes toward products and consumption behavior and that most of its effects were discovered in highly artificial situations†. In my research, I learned a lot about the mirror neurons which are accountable for why we imitate other individual’s behavior. The mirror neurons are responsible for when we try to lower our voices when someone is whispering. In terms of consumer behavior we can relate this concept to when we go to the mall and see a mannequin with an amazing dress with the matching shoes and purse that make her look elegant and slim. The consumer immediately buys the dress thinking that we as consumers are going to look the same if we acquiring the style and image that the store wants to sell us. In my journal, I found many scenarios where the mirror neurons influenced my rational thinking and caused me to unconsciously purchase what the store was displaying. In my visit to Hollister, one of the top 10 US clothing brands, I saw a female model at the entrance of the store wearing ultra casual red sweeter that immediately caught my attention because the color was perfect for the Christmas season, which then lead me to go inside the store to purchase the sweeter. The mirror neurons triggered my desire to buy the cool-looking sweeter I saw at Hollister. In conclusion, I was overwhelmed by the responsibility that our neurons and subconscious plays in our consumer behavior and how we attach to certain brands. In my opinion, Neuromarketing will soon be an essential source of information for marketers in terms of predicting the future of a new product in the market. The book Buy-ology explains the latest findings involving brains scans and successfully related to sales and purchases. Overall, Buy-ology gave me the opportunity to compare the statements of the book consumer behavior with the findings of Lindstrom and Dr. Calvert. After the consumer behavior class, I have come to acknowledge my consumer habits and be aware of the marketing strategies that influence my decision-making process.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Creating an Innovation in the Organization Essay

Creating an Innovation in the Organization - Essay Example Innovation is the â€Å"process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. In business, innovation results often from the application of a scientific or technical idea in decreasing the gap between the needs or expectations of the customers and the performance of a firms products† (Business Dictionary, 1). The objective of the essay is to proffer an innovation that could be created or designed and to discuss how one will implement it in the identified organization. For this purpose, the organization one is familiar with and one which could use an innovative process to improve organizational performance is a health care institution, St. Luke’s Medical Center. The essay would use at least three models related to innovation and would be structured to include sections on opportunity, ensuring success, impact on results, the innovation, creating customer value, implementation process, measuring the impact, and reflection on learning. The mission of St. Luke’s Medical Center is to improve the delivery of quality health care conforming to the strict standards of the Joint Accreditation Commission of Health Organizations (JACHO, 2010). It came to the attention of the Vice President for Nursing that their Nurse Managers are torn between prioritizing functions which are administrative in nature vis-à  -vis functions that cater to the delivery of patient care. Due to the Nurse Managers’ theoretical orientation for health care, the administrative tasks such as completion of reportorial requirements, monitoring and upkeep of equipment and supplies, staff requirements and budgeting are frequently neglected or seconded with priorities being focused to patient care. In this regard, the VP for Nursing sought the assistance of the VP for Human Resources and the CEO to resolve this issue.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

English topic paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English topic paper - Essay Example In case the high schools students are not required to wear school uniforms, parents will be required to spend money on buying fancy clothes for their children. Children will also force their parents to buy fashionable and branded clothes for them so that they could impress their class fellows at school. Hence, if the high school students are required to wear school uniforms, they will not feel the need to spend money on trendy clothes. This will lead to an immense saving on the money spent on buying expensive clothes to be worn at school. Students will not feel the urge to appear cool at school. Thereby, they will not expect their parents to spend money on costly clothes. School uniforms will promote a sense of equality amongst the students. In the schools that do not require their students to wear uniforms, students do judge each other on the bases of the clothes they wear. This promotes superficial values amongst students. Students prefer to make friends with those students who dress up like them. They do avoid students wearing affordable or simple clothes. This leads to the formation of groups and cliques at schools and gives way to much bullying and harassment. However, in case the high school students are made to wear uniforms, they will rather try to judge their class fellows on the basis of their talent and qualities. This will encourage and promote equality amongst students. School uniforms are the best way to protect schools from outsiders. In the recent times there have been many incidents of violence and crime at schools. Many a times the schools are not able to identify the outsiders that enter their premises. This makes it possible for the criminal elements to enter high schools and to commit crimes in schools. School uniforms will help the school authorities identify the outsiders entering their premises. This will allow them to take timely action and will make the schools much safer and secure. Thereby, for the high school

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How doest the internet affect the teen age generations Research Paper

How doest the internet affect the teen age generations - Research Paper Example (Christensen and Livingston, 2003 p.786) communication and socialization technologies such as chat rooms, instant messaging, text messaging as well as personal webs and social web sites has provided the teenagers to reach to diverse sources of opportunity and knowledge (Wakefield and Rice, 2008, p.21). This is a positive impact and has changed the mode of communication and socializing among the teenagers as they seek opportunities and knowledge with the least time and cost. However, these opportunities have come with their challenges. While we embrace the new technology and its impact on the communication and socialization arena, it is important for the concerned agencies and learning institution to provide guidance to the teenagers. This is because the new technology has not only come with lots of benefits to the youths, but it has also been accompanied by other negative impacts. This is because the technology is free and there is no screening of information so that the right inform ation is passed to the right person at the right time. The teenagers have therefore accessed certain information that are not meant to them at this age and hence has influenced their social behavior, moral behavior, and personality, emotional, intellectual, physical and spiritual development (Wakefield and Rice, 2008, p.1). ... It has resulted to the teenager’s preference to socialize and communicate online rather than communicate in person. According to Christensen and Livingston (2003 p.787), affordable internet technology has increased the level of interaction through facebook or twitter rather than communication and interaction within the public social places, institutions or just along the streets. The advancement in mobile phone internet technology has made it very simple for the individuals to interact at any time and place. Availability of facebook mobile has even increased the rate at which the teenagers socialize online and hence it is possible to learn from the other person in the shortest time possible. However, this development and increasing communication and socialization have resulted into the development of individuals who lack personality. Interaction on the internet has resulted into the teens growing but lack important social skills and hence may not communicate effectively with t heir peers (Wakefield and Rice, 2008 p.2). Development of social skills is however very important at this stage of development. Since teenagers mainly consist of adolescents and emerging adulthood, it is important to note that they are undergoing cognitive development which is vital for their social well being. Personality development is vital at this stage since because it would influence the individuals in the future. However, social sites like MySpace and facebook does not provide the opportunity for the individuals to face social challenges while interacting hence it is difficult for the teenagers to develop the socializing skills that are important for healthy interaction with their peers (Christensen and Livingston, 2003 p.788). Close communication

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflective learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflective learning - Essay Example In our class, I realized that I am a combined leaner -- visual and kinesthetic/tactile -- through learning styles modality preference inventory. When I study, I prefer writing and reading than listening. Also, I really prefer to take notes with diagrams and tables; hence, I expected I am a visual learner. However, I did not know I am a kinesthetic/tactile leaner. Come to think of it, I usually use my hands when describing things and I have to write and write to memorize. Also, I like rewriting to organize what I learned in class. In our class, I had a chance to observe that my classmates are also different types of learners. Some of them already knew what type they are and other didn’t know about it. I realize that it is indeed important to grasp what my learning style is. It is definitely helpful in efficient learning. As a teacher, it is important to find out what kind of style my students have as well, because students would have different learning style like we do. In addi tion, after finding out, I would have to prepare teaching method for my students. If there are many students, of course it might be difficult to satisfy each student’s learning style. However, I - as a teacher – must figure out what the best teaching is to fit all kinds of learning

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Famous Court trial Analysis, 3 to choose from Essay

Famous Court trial Analysis, 3 to choose from - Essay Example In this period of about two decades of struggle, the politics of America is believed to have divided Douglas, 1999). The nine black teenagers were arrested after a white youth stepped a black youth’s hand in a train. This young black youth was hanging on one side of the train. This resulted to a stone throwing fight between a group of black youths and white youths. Since the black were many, they succeeded forcing all the white youths off the train. Some of those who were forced out of the train reported the incident to the stationmaster. They described their statement as an assault by gung teenagers who were black. The stationmaster ordered the train to be stopped and he sent a group of armed men to arrest the gang. These armed men arrested every black teenager they could find. It is at this incident that the nine teenagers were arrested and taken to Scottsboro in a jail. They remained in jail for twelve day before their trials could start. It is during that period that two o f white girls, who were mill workers, said in response to questions by one of the posse that they were raped by twelve black youths who were armed with knives. One of the girls identified six of them out of the nine black teenagers. ... However, they later claimed that they said so since they were threatened. In this trial, they announced guilty verdicts and in the second trial, it was underway. The nine boys were also accused of having knives and guns. However, no evidence was presented during the trials. Eight out of nine boys were already sentenced to death by the end of the fourth trial. Fortunately, the boys served for a long time in prison instead. During this period, NAACP and the international labor defense intervened and represented the nine black teenagers in the appeal. Some money was also raised by the two organizations to defend the nine boys. In the process, a letter was found, which was written by Bite, the girl who presented the rape case, to her boyfriend. The letter entailed a statement that the girl was not raped, and therefore, her testimony in the court was false. The results of the case at trial and on appeal When the case reached the Supreme Court, the case handed over to the lower court after finding the black’s exclusion on jury. In this court, the electrocution tried all the defendants, and eight of them were sentenced to death. One of the nine black teenagers wrote a book, vividly describing all the events and his experience in the trial. The legal issues involved in the case and historical significance of the case in the American legal system This case has contributed to a great extent to the amendment of the civil rights in American history. It also has a great importance in the constitutional law evolution. This case led to initiatives of implementation of equal protection of the citizens under the law. Since then it was agreed that no ethnic group

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Final paper - Essay Example In our own argument we thought that was not well since beef is a delicious meal. However, after a reading in class, we realized the concept and notion of cultural relativism which stipulates that each and every culture is unique in its own way and there is no absolute or universal culture in the brief the conversation in rhetoric form was as follows. The next day, we resumed the discussion about other cultures in other countries and realized that somewhat our culture was superior in way. This was so because the things that we do in our cultures we perceive them to be the best and highest in the society. However, the reading we did in class that previous week dispelled our notion and opinion which stipulated that we were ethnocentric. The term ethnocentrism in the simplest and most basic sense refers to the instance and situation whereby an individual elevates his or her own culture over and above the cultures of other people (Perne 23). For instance, when a person believes that the things that happen in his or her life are the best and others are inferior constitutes ethnocentrism. In rhetoric

Reflection on Business Models Implied in Academical Course Essay

Reflection on Business Models Implied in Academical Course - Essay Example One of my long term goals is to become a manager. Once I reach that goal I will reflect back on my college experiences including this course to apply the skills and abilities I developed through the educational process of attending college. During the class, the professor emphasized the importance of reading. Students have to develop study habits because to learn one has to dedicate time to feeding data and information to the brain. The prefrontal cortex has to be developed since this part of the brain has the decisional power of a CEO (Schmidt). The course helped me realize the power and applications that modeling has. A model can be used to create a physical product such as designing a new car model. Organizational charts can be used to visualize a model in the workplace. One of the most practical applications of modeling is mathematical models using formulas that can be expressed with the assistance of software tools such as Microsoft Excel. Business models can be used to make bet ter decisions by managers or other decision makers in a company. Models can help a person break down processes into simple components. I imagine a person that wants to start a business of selling ice cream. This person needs to create a business model to succeed. Testing marketing applications such as offering discount coupons in flyers can be done through the use of statistical models. I learned that modeling improves the quantitative skills of a person. Any time a student is exposed to mathematical problems their quantitative reasoning skills will be expanded. I have learned since I was in elementary school that the only way for a person to improve their mathematical abilities is through practice. Four types of models that were discussed during the course were one-time use models, decision support models, embedded models, and models used in business education. The efficiency of the embedded and decision support models greatly increases with the integration of computers and other t echnologies in the modeling process. I learned in class that some of the benefits of modeling are that it can prevent errors, reduced costs, and increase business intuition. For instance, an accountant can create a model to predict the future sales of a company. The sales model can be used to make many operating decisions such as determining the amount of inventory, labor, and marketing budget needed to achieve a desired level of sales. The four steps in the modeling process are framing the problem, diagram the problem, build a model, and generate insight. I learn in class that for this process to occur the person has to start off by framing the problem correctly. Imagine a company that loses its profitability. The manager will look for clues to identify and frame the problem. The manager must be patient and analyze all aspects of the business to find the answer. A lazy manager that assumes that higher cost is the root of the problem without investigating the matter has done a bad j ob of framing the problem. The strategy chosen by the manager might backfire because the root of the problem might be that the company is using obsolete technology that is inhibiting the ability of the firm to produce goods as efficiently as the competition. One of the models that caught my attention the most during the course was strategy analysis. I think that these types of business models should be used more often by managers in the industry. Today the business world is changing at an accelerated pace.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cover letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Cover letter - Essay Example My most recent internship at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Capital provided an opportunity to develop strong office assisting skills. Prior to this experience, I spent several summers working with several other firms in their customer service departments, which enhanced my ability to work in a fast paced environment and resolve problems, which are all listed in your preferred qualifications for this position. From these past work experiences, I was also able to develop on my interpersonal skills while socializing within the teams we were in as well as in the entire firm. Granted this opportunity and basing on my ability to work, I believe I will be able to help GWSB to achieve its organizational objectives as well as cement a position as an organization in the corporate settings. Besides, I am quite familiar with the Microsoft Office applications, strong customer care skills and am also motivated to work with a diverse group of constituents (Ryan, 20). I would appreciate discussing this position with you in the near future. I would be glad to receive an interview call from you asking me to appear before your recruitment board. If you require any additional materials or information, I would be happy to avail it. Thank you for your

Monday, July 22, 2019

Impact of the invention of Automobiles Essay Example for Free

Impact of the invention of Automobiles Essay The invention of automobile has been one of the most significant factors that have contributed towards the transformation of the world. Before the invention of automobile it was very difficult and time consuming to travel from one place to another. Man has become the master of his own time due to the automobile. Now he can plan his own schedules and manage his time more efficiently and constructively. Automobile gave a boost to the world economy. Petroleum was a product that was in abundance but was largely unused. With the invention of automobile it started getting used and also boosted the living standards of the people of the countries in which it is available the most for e.g. the Middle Eastern countries. Though there was enough living space in all the continents of the world, people used to live clustered in the locality that was nearest to their work. As a result those working in factories used to live close to it despite the health hazards it created. With the invention of the automobile people were able to cut down their health risks by moving away to cleaner places with better air to breathe and yet manage to report to work within the stipulated time minus any hassles that earlier long distance traveling encompassed. All the services got fast. The firemen, the doctor, and the policeman can all reach on time and get on with their work that is extremely urgent. Many newer services got created for e.g. the courier service that thrives on the benefits laid down by the invention of automobile. Hence the socio-economic condition of the world has got totally and positively transformed with the invention of the automobile. But sadly there have also been certain negative outcomes of the invention of the automobile. The number of deaths on roads has increased due to this modern necessity. Also the world has become a much more polluted place to live in because of the toxic fumes that automobiles create. However, if we compare the negative and positive impacts of the invention of automobile on the world at large then we cannot deny the fact that the positive impacts outshine the negative impacts. The best part is that if human beings are careful then these negative impacts can be shunned completely. Man cannot think living without the automobile and perhaps its invention is the best thing that has happened to the world. References (2009). Negative Impact of the Automobile. Retrieved Jun. 1, 2009 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Nosotoro, R. (2007). Impact of the Automobile. Retrieved Jun. 1, 2009 from   Ã‚  Ã‚

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Black Women in the Slave Trade

Black Women in the Slave Trade Throughout the slave trade, black women often were represented and observed through the sexually repressed European perspective that viewed them as immoral and promiscuous. Many viewed black females lack of modesty as a sign of their impaired moral nature and increased sex drive. The view of the African female as a manipulating temptress thus emerged and it was believed that she used it to her advantage to achieve favours and obtain prestige. It wasnt just the men that sexually abused the enslaved women. According to Shepherd, some white working class women who owned enslaved Africans females rented them out as prostitutes. The children born to these enslaved women were then brought up by the slave owner until they were weaned and then were sold off (Gettysburg, Nd). Planters, slave owners and slave masters had absolute right and power sexually over the female slaves. They used them for prostitution for income. The plantation owners used the slave women for breeding. The production for children for sale was finically good for the slave system. Elizabeth Fenwick found no important reason for differentiation morally between urban slave owners who deployed slave women as prostitutes and the plantation owners who used them for breeding purposes (Milwood and Min, 2014). Barracoons and the encouragement of slave women to have children were of great benefit financially for slave owners and planters. In sententious expression, prostitution of slave women was an extension of the slave trade business. Seeing the purpose of slavery was economical. To conclude, that prostitution was prevalent throughout the slave trade system. According to Edward long of the late eighteenth century, Jamaican enslaved women were predisposed with the propensity to activate sexual with profiency and without moral reflections (cited in Milwood and Min, 2014). In the book sex work and sex workers by Dank and Refinetti (1999) suggest that since the 1970s, the Caribbean such as Barbados it has become famous country for female tourist (Dank and Refinetti, 1999, p. 96). Males search the island for single female tourists (Dank and Refinetti,1999, p. 96). This is called sex tourism. To explain what it is, when rich women tourists come to the Caribbean and pay a beach boy for sex. His appearance is based on the females notion of a hyper sexual black male, hair often dreadlocked, to suggest an untamed primitive nature (Kempadoo, 1999, p.46). you know why some of the girls like the knot-up hair? When some girls send photos and stuff up to England, you dont see any clean cut men. They send a picture of a Rasta so when a girl come down here they think a Rasta is a real Caribbean man, so that is why they go for the Rasta. But some of them does get fool them does get an imposter (cited in Kempadoo, 1999, p. 46). The reason why these boys are having sexual relations with female white tourist is the desire of money. However, the women do not see themselves as prostitutes so they define it has holiday romance. Davidson and Taylor (1999) states that among women surveyed, many of them see they are helping these boys out financially by giving them money and other treats (Kempadoo, 1999, p.48). This can relate back to the Atlantic slave trade where black women were used for sex by the white slave owners (Kempadoo, 1999). The historical link to the beach boys and white female tourists relates not only colour hierarchy but also gender. In the slavery 200 ago, when white men had the power to do anything to a black female. Elridge Cleaver in his book Soul on Ice. Cleaver explains that the sexual attraction between the black man and the white woman the Primeval Urge (Miller, 1997, p.26). Franz Fanon argues that by getting with a white woman the black man proves to himself his importance and it allows him to make up for his inferior feelings caused by slavery (Albo, Nd, no pagination). This singularity is also connects with conventional concepts of the hypersexual Caribbean male Cynthia Enloe (feminist) expresses of the relation to the Caribbean sex tourism as the new plantations, she states that it mirrors the old system of the slave trade many years ago; where white males were dominating black women slaves (Albo, Nd, no pagination). Black individuals have been victims of social stigmas which continues to shape society today. Where they have been damaged during slavery trade such as sexual slavery is evidence of the lack of freedom and the consent to prostitution (Butler, 2015, p. 130). Similarly, pornographic videos and mainstream magazines have also promoted the sexual stereotyping of Black men as sex machines with a particularly ravenous desire for sex with White women (cited in Butler, 2015, p. 130). These sexual stereotypes fuel todays demand for sexual tourism with women of colour (cited in Butler. 2015, p. 130).

Making Cross Functional Decisions

Making Cross Functional Decisions INTRODUCTION Strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its objectives. It involves the systematic identification of specifying the firms objectives, nurturing policies and strategies to achieve these objectives, and acquiring and making available these resources to implement the policies and strategies to achieve the firms objectives. Strategic management also integrates the activities of the various functional sectors of a business, such as marketing, sales, production to achieve organizational goals. It is generally the highest level of managerial activity, usually imitated by the board of directors and executive team. Strategic management hopes to provide overall direction to the company has ties to the field of organization studies. Strategic planning is a management tool, period. In short, strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. Strategic management also allocates the right amount of resources to the different parts of your business so that those assigned to particular goals have what they need to meet their objectives. This ranges from providing your workers with the right supplies to enacting systems by which employees receive the necessary training, all work processes are tested, and all information and data generated is documented. To effectively manage your business strategically, every inch of your company must have its needs met in these ways. Furthermore, one must know that two businesses cannot be same and there should be some basic differences between them. Because of this, the goals and the plans of action are different for each business. Plus, the strategies for long term and short term development should be different and these need to be applied separately. QUESTION 1: Explain how someone can be a manager but not a leader, a leader but not a manager, and both a manager and a leader. A manager is a person with a job of overseeing one or more employees or department to ensure these employees or departments do their job or assigned duties as required. A manager helps others to get more done by motivating the employees, providing directions , making sure the employees working together towards a common goal, and providing feedback. A new manager may be responsible for a small team or a small project. Usually a senior manager will watch over his or her work. The manager will have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the team members, instruct a work to the team members, guiding team members to reach goals, provide the tools needed by the team and motivate them to do their task. Usually , a new manager has limited responsibility for money issues and little chances to approve or make an expenditures. They have to review and approve timesheets for their employees and may have the chances to approve expense accounts. The term of manager is not the same for leader since the two terms are not the same. A manager must ensure the appropriate delivery of human resources and funding to meet the routine daily productivity objectives. The manager is known as detailed oriented. Mangers don not see the overall picture and are less interested regarding the long-term corporate goals and mission. They are worried about details; as a result, they do not make them a good leader. Some managers may have certain leadership qualities but they remain too focused on their daily operations and are unable to provide direction and vision to the organization. A manager plans, organizes, leads, and controls whereas a leader influence others through communication, motivation, discipline, direction and dynamics Typically, the goals are set for a beginning manager by someone higher ranking in an organization. Here , the manager have to develop a plan to achieve the goal set. They have to provide feedbacks to their employees as they work with those plans. To be a manager , developing skills at all level is important . At a beginning level , examples of two area where a manager need to focus their skill development are the ability to manage their meetings and developing their own planning tools such as to do a list. A leader is different from manager. A leader is a person who has vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen. A leader see a problem that needs to be fixed or a goal that needs to be achieved. A leader is also a person who guides others towards a common goal, showing the employees by example and creating an environment in which other team members feel active and involved in any process or task. A leader is a good listener. Leaders have to keep their mind open to others ideas. They can come up with new ways to accomplish the goal set. It is the leaders job to make sure that everyone in the group is being heard. Leaders have to listen to the team members ideas and listen their criticism for improvements. Leaders have to be focus all the time. They have to keep on remind themselves and the team members of the goals and mission. Staying on track and keep the team members on track ,the team will stay motivated and more productive. As leader of the group, it is important that you schedule time to meet with your team to establish and check-in about the goals you hope to achieve. Leaders also have to be organized. Leaders are responsible in a lot of things and might be very busy sometimes. A leader can set the tone for the team. A leader who is organized helps motivate team members to be organized as well. As a leader, youre responsible for a lot and youre probably going to be very busy at times. However, you still need to find time to talk with your team. A good way to do this is to set frequent group meetings, so that no question or concern goes too long without attention. Leaders also have to be decisive. Although an important part of being a leader involves listening to the people surrounding, they have to remember that they are not always going to be able to reach a compromise. When this happens, dont be afraid to make the final decision, even if some team members disagree with the plans. Confident is the most important characteristics of a leader, leaders have to believe themselves and the success of the team members. Show others that you are dedicated, intelligent, and proud of what you are doing. A manager basically directs resources to complete predetermined goals or projects. For example, a manager may engage in hiring, training, and scheduling employees in order to accomplish work in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. A manager is considered a failure if they are not able to complete the project or goals with efficiency. . On the other hand, a leader within a company develops individuals in order to complete predetermined goals and projects. A leader develops relationships with their employees by building communication, exampling images of success, and by showing loyalty. As an example of a manager, A company CEO directs Wong, one of the companies up and coming managers, to hire enough new employees to provide the company with a customer service department. Wong undertakes his project with enthusiasm. He hires only those employees who can work the assigned hours, will accept the modest pay, and have experience working in customer service. He trains his new employees to perform the job to his expectations and assigns the employees to their new positions. Wong measures his success in terms of efficiency, calls handled per hour, and cost effectiveness, for example did he meet his budget?. However, Wong did not anticipate that of the employees he hired, only a handful would remain working six months later. Moreover, as an example of a leader, Ahmed obtains the same assignment as Wong. Ahmed hires employees that he believes he can develop a working relationship with, versus just those employees who will worked the assigned hours and take the modest pay. Ahmeds goal is to hire a diverse group of employees, some of who do not have any customer service experience, who he feels he can develop a personal connection. A large part of Ahmeds training involves team building, telling successful stories, and listening to each employees own desires for what constitutes a fulfilling job. Ahmed still assigns his employees their job duties and schedules at the end of training, and he also measures success in terms of efficient and cost effectiveness, but he also measures success in terms of low employee turnover, employee morale, and employee development. Ahmed feels proud when one of his employees obtains an advance level position a year or two after being hired. The skills to be a leader or a manager are not exclusive in nature. A leader who only displays leadership skills will be ineffective when it comes to checking time cards, completing employee reviews, and scheduling employee vacation time; things that employers require their managers to do on timely bases. Similarly, a manager who spends all his/her time completing paperwork and reading reports; only creates more problems for him or her because they lack a developing relationship with their employees. Many companies, one person may play the role of both leader and manager. In others, these roles are carried out by different people. And in many cases, the roles overlap and leaders need to manage and managers need to lead. However, it is critical that both roles are performed effectively for a company to succeed, especially a company with employees. Without a vision for the future, a company has no direction and no goals for which to strive. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. As a manager who would like to become a better leader to inspire yourÂÂ  employees into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills. Le aders and managers also have much different conceptions of work itself. Leaders develop new approaches to long-standing problems. Leaders work in high-risk positions because of a strong aversion to mundane work. Conversely, managers view work as an enabling process. Managers tolerate practical, mundane work because of a strong survival instinct that makes them risk-averse. They are good at reaching compromises and mediating conflicts between opposing perspectives, but lack the influence to avoid future conflicts. QUESTION 2: Identify two very different organizations that compete on a cost leadership strategy and explain how they do this, i.e. find out what they do that enables them to keep their prices low. The cost leadership strategic is to gain a competitive advantage. Make it into a simple word, cost leadership is reduce the cost to fight with their competitor in same industry. The organization who need to earn more profit, must reduce the cost to ensure they are not waste any resource. The cost who has reduce more, the company will gain more profit and easy to survive in the market share. Anakku Anakku as famous is selling the baby product. The company is celebrated 38th anniversary in Malaysia in 2011. Therefore, the company has their advantage to survive in this market. Anakku produce the baby products get it the mission is built on a strong, solid foundation of premium quality, safety and reliability. The product have been sell by Anakku are fashion-wear for babies and toddlers, feeding equipment, toiletries, diapers, accessories, strollers, playpens and more. Baby Kiko Creating style glamour, fun comfort for the little ones. Is the brand name of Baby Kiko. Baby Kiko is a brand extention from KIKO. Baby Kiko is establishing in Malaysia for over 20 years. Baby Kiko is one of the most widely recognized baby brand in Malaysia, known for quality, trendy style, and marketing creativity. The product that have been sell are toddler clothing, feeding accessories to weaning products, baby cleansing to baby skincare products. Cost Leadership Strategic Both companies have completed their cost leadership strategic, therefore, both company can survive in the market taking a long period time. Each of them has the plan to reduce the cost and increase their profit. Not even thought, both companies also using the Michael Portal 5 force to operate the companies. And they no using too much of advertising to promote their product, so that, the cost will follow decrease. Next, most of the products like cloth or accessories are make by them. The pattern and the design had been created, so, the companies will produce it with their own manufactory. Follow by this, both companies will try to reduce the damage of the product. They will make sure the product is good. The after-sales service is one of the parts they can do, and get the feedback from the customers, and get to improve better to the customers need. Within the Michael Portal 5 forces, First of all, the bargaining power of supplier. For the Baby Kiko Company, all the product are make by own, so that, the raw material of they used is direct from the manufactory, so the price of the product can easy to under control. An opposite, about the Anakku Company, some if the products like car seat or toys are manufacture from the supplies. Mostly, the Anakku Company will control by the supplier. But, for the Anakku Company, the main product for sell is clothing and the accessories like bottles, teethers, feeding accessories and etc. If the supplies increase the price, so they will change the supplier to get the raw material and try to product good product for their customers. Next, the bargaining power of customer or buyer is one of the forces that both companies used. The price had been set and the customers no have too much or no have power to argue to reduce the price. The entire product had been fix price, unless the company does the promotion like discount, so the customer will get the lower price of the product. Both companies have provided onsite service and after-sale service. And some of the product will give about 1 week to 1 year of warranty depend on the product. The threats of the entry of new competitor will also influence the cost. If got new competitor join into this industry, the company will spend more money to do promotion as like discount or adverting to attract people. This kind of money will increase the cost, so the profit will been decrease. Otherwise, both company had been survive in Malaysia taking a long period time, they have their own popularity in this country. For the Anakku Company, they mostly are produce the safety and useful product. The product no easy to damage and some of the product have the warranty to attract the customer to buy it. This is the advantage for them and no need scare about the new competitor to try to attack them. Besides that, the Baby Kiko Company more is based on the creative and innovative product to attract customers. The design and the fashion are new and look nicely. Based on the customers, they will take feedback and get the new the information to produce the product. Those are the advantage of the both companies; the new competitor does not have too much power and cost to survive. Other than that, the intensity of competitor rivalry it may also influence the cost. Take a basic word, who can get the lower cost, who will win in the market. Therefore, the company must have the power and the capacity to run the business. For Anakku Company, they have many branches in the Malaysia. It will easy to target market and the customers. Anakku Company as a wholesaler otherwise as a retailer. They retail the product directly to the customer, so that, the cost will not be too high to be taken. The technology of Anakku Company use is high-tech machine. According the above statement, the Anakku Company does not have too much of advertising. Running the business around 30 years, the popularity has the value on their customers. For Baby Kiko, they usually are wholesale to the stores that are really preferred to sales. Some hypermarket like Partson or The Store, we can see Baby Kiko product. Wholesale to other store, it can deduct the cost of employee and no need searching the place to run over the business. The customers who are prefer to sell the product, they will delivery it. It may reduce the cost with it. Not even that, Baby Kiko Company also though the internet to promote the product. One of the major website is Facebook to promote. It is free of charge and also can attract more people to know the new product. Other than that, the labour force it may influence the cost available. Anakku Company is more focus on the retail sale, so that, the employee will taking more and more, so the cost relative will increase. From the manufactory to the store, they are too many employees to work. But, the Baby Kiko no taking too much of employee, because they have using the technology like machine or wholesale to other seller. The cost taking is the transportation fee. At last, which companies keep the lower cost; it may easy and expand the business. Besides that, properly using the raw material and do not simply waste too much. Because the waste will direct influence the cost. Have a good plan of cost leadership, the company more easy to survive in the market share.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Acid Rain :: Free Essay Writer

Acid Rain Acid rain is caused by extra amounts of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Natural sources of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides do exist, but are balanced by nature. Normal rain reacts with alkaline chemicals from the region's bedrock that are in the air, soils, lakes, and streams. This neutralizes the rain. However, if rain is more highly acidic, then the natural neutralizing chemicals can eventually become depleted. This is what is happening with more than 90% of the sulphur and 95% of the nitrogen emissions coming from humans. Approximately 40% of the nitrogen oxides come from transportation, about 25% from thermoelectric generating stations, and the balance from other industrial, commercial, and residential combustion processes. These pollutants come from the use of coal in the production of electricity, from smelting, and from the internal combustion engines in most cars. Once released into the atmosphere, they are converted into such pollutants as nitric acid and sulfuric ac id, both dissolving easily in water. This results in acidic water droplets that can be carried by prevailing winds, returning to Earth as acid rain, snow, or fog. This effects the lakes by changing the pH balance. As the water pH approaches 6, crustaceans, insects, and plankton begin to disappear. When the pH is slightly above 5, major changes start to happen, less desirable species of mosses and plankton may begin to flourish, whereas others will lessen in numbers and die off. Below pH of 5, the water is to acidic for many fish, the bottom is covered with undecayed material, and the shores may be dominated by mosses. Animals also are affected. Some ducks, for example, depend on fish and other organisms for nourishment and nutrients. As these food sources are reduced or eliminated, the population in that area declines and the reproductive success of the birds is affected. Plants are effected too. The acids can alter the protective waxy surface of leaves, lowering disease resistance. It also may slow down or stop plant germination and reproduction. The acids will accelerate soil weathering and removal of nutrients, which the plant need. And it will make some metals more soluble, for example, aluminum will be come high in concentration in the soil and clog the roots of the plants, stopping the intake of vital nutrients.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These are all good reasons we must be looking for new means of energy, in the very near future.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Security Methods to Protect Your Privacy Essay -- Exploratory Essays R

Security Methods to Protect Your Privacy Privacy and security issues have become one of the top concerns among computer users in today’s market. It has become a game of survival of the fittest in protection of your security. The only true way to defend yourself is knowledge. You should prepare your self against hackers, spammers and potential system crashing viruses and web bugs. Lets focus on how you can protect yourselves from the would be thieves. There are several ways to protect your information from the outside world; you just need the ammunition to do it. Because this has become a focal point for computer and Internet user’s, many companies are capitalizing on a growing industry and producing software packages to prevent privacy intrudion. A couple of ways that you can protect your self are URL encryption, OS shielding, JavaScript filtering, and cookie control. All of these are effective ways of protecting your self. But take caution, these are not guaranteed to complete block out intruders and completely protect you and your information. They are merely preventive steps you can take. URL encryption is a method that prevents your ISP, network administrator, or other intermediaries from easily tracking and logging the sites that you visit. This prevents companies from gaining information on your surfing habit and purchasing habit on the net. Companies have been accumulating data on us for years without our permission. Once these companies or have the information they can make money on us by selling the information to other companies or as I stated the government. Why should they make money on our information without our consent? The URL encryption also protects the user from potential Internet pr... ...llow you on their sites without the ability of planting or accept some form of a cookie. In this case you can use Safe cookies. A safe cookie allows you to accept cookies safely so you can surf WebPages without being tracked or monitored by the Website. The cookies are encrypted, very much like the URL encryption, and automatically erased when you leave the site. All of these methods are just some of the more popular techniques that people can us to protect their vital information. As stated earlier they are not failsafe, but are good proactive measures that everyone should take. The information age is growing leaps and bound. But with all the good it brings, it also brings the bad. If you plan and prepare yourself you will survive and retain your privacy. Once you loose your privacy it is impossible to get it back, so take control of your information. Security Methods to Protect Your Privacy Essay -- Exploratory Essays R Security Methods to Protect Your Privacy Privacy and security issues have become one of the top concerns among computer users in today’s market. It has become a game of survival of the fittest in protection of your security. The only true way to defend yourself is knowledge. You should prepare your self against hackers, spammers and potential system crashing viruses and web bugs. Lets focus on how you can protect yourselves from the would be thieves. There are several ways to protect your information from the outside world; you just need the ammunition to do it. Because this has become a focal point for computer and Internet user’s, many companies are capitalizing on a growing industry and producing software packages to prevent privacy intrudion. A couple of ways that you can protect your self are URL encryption, OS shielding, JavaScript filtering, and cookie control. All of these are effective ways of protecting your self. But take caution, these are not guaranteed to complete block out intruders and completely protect you and your information. They are merely preventive steps you can take. URL encryption is a method that prevents your ISP, network administrator, or other intermediaries from easily tracking and logging the sites that you visit. This prevents companies from gaining information on your surfing habit and purchasing habit on the net. Companies have been accumulating data on us for years without our permission. Once these companies or have the information they can make money on us by selling the information to other companies or as I stated the government. Why should they make money on our information without our consent? The URL encryption also protects the user from potential Internet pr... ...llow you on their sites without the ability of planting or accept some form of a cookie. In this case you can use Safe cookies. A safe cookie allows you to accept cookies safely so you can surf WebPages without being tracked or monitored by the Website. The cookies are encrypted, very much like the URL encryption, and automatically erased when you leave the site. All of these methods are just some of the more popular techniques that people can us to protect their vital information. As stated earlier they are not failsafe, but are good proactive measures that everyone should take. The information age is growing leaps and bound. But with all the good it brings, it also brings the bad. If you plan and prepare yourself you will survive and retain your privacy. Once you loose your privacy it is impossible to get it back, so take control of your information.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Social diagnosis

Would you rather follow your heart or your head? 33. What is your opinion about same gender relationships? 34. Do you think the past matters in a relationship? 35. How would you react if I told I have had a relationship with a partner of the same gender? 36. Do you believe in any god or gods? Why? 37. Do you have any political opinions? 38. Do you have any hobbies? 39. Have you ever experimented with drugs? 40. What do you think is the key to good parenting? 41. Do you like pets in the house? 42.What is the weirdest thing about you? 43. Tell me something about your first kiss. 44. If your parents don't like me for some reason, is that a deal breaker? 45. Have you ever regretted one of your ‘romantic encounters'? 46. Do you believe in soul mates? 47. Do you have a criminal record, any contraction of diseases? 48. What is your dream Job? 49. Are you willing to stay away from your family if you ever have to for a Job? 50. Which living celebrity/author/singer would you like to know ? 51 . If you could meet a famous dead person, whom would you like to meet? . What do you think about unfaithfulness in a relationship? 53. Do you think love at first sight is possible? 54. How do you balance personal responsibilities with relationship responsibilities? 55.Who is your favorite fictional character and why? 56. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? 57. Do you have any regrets in life? 58. What is your ideal vacation? 59. Do you have a favorite movie? 60. If you are allowed to do Just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? 61 . What is the one thing about you that you take pride in? . What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life? 63. What is your earliest memory? 64. What do you like most about you? 65. Will you be 0K with me hanging out with you and your friends? 66. What would you do if you wanted to live your life differently? 67. Have you ever taken dancing classes? DO you like to dance? 68. Do you think it is importan t to learn any form ofa performing art? 69. What are you looking for in a relationship? In the long term or short term? 70. If you have three wishes, what do would you wish for? 71 .Which is the song that makes you happy? 72. If you could have a superpower, what would be your superpower? 73. Who is the most influential person for you so far in life? 74. Is there a movie that makes you cry no matter how many times you watch it? 75. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 76. What is the best advice you ever received? 77 What kind ot music you like? 78. If you had a previous relationship, why did your last relationship break up? 79. Are you still friends with that person? 80. Was there ever a best moment you spent with them? 1 .What are the craziest things that youVe done with someone? 82. What will you have accomplished one year from now? 83. If you could go on a road trip where would you go? 84. What is the best part about family life? 85. What is a favorite memory you have of being with your family? 86. Tell me 3 good points about me. 87. What are your expectations of me? 88. Did you ever want to kill someone? 89. Have you ever wanted something really bad and then later, not so much? 90. Is there anything I could do to make you think I am bad? 91 . What would you do without lectricity for 3 days? 2. Do you like to go shopping, not buying, shopping? 93. After I had asked you out for the first time, was there any part of you that wanted to say no? 94. Where are some other places you like to go on dates? 95. What are your views on open relationships? Do you know what an open relationship is? 96. Would you ever adopt a child? 97. Is money more important to you or arerelationships you share with people more important?

A Positive Approach to the Future

A Positive draw close Towards the Future The go forth of mandatory take reproducibles has taken on several debates oer the past decade it is believed that this issue testament plague normal teachs for decades to come. Students who gain uniforms looking at a mother wit of being lord with their fellow classmates. This ruleing of being set ab pop out of a group boosts morale and several(prenominal) confidence, thus leading to high grades. Children pull up stakes be more than than focused in a uniform trainroom. There is no more distraction as to what the a nonher(prenominal) kids atomic number 18 wearing or who has the abduce brand shoes.Girls ordain be attired appropriately and clothing go away get properly. This adds to the learning experience. There is no more competition. There is no more aspiration and the peasantren atomic number 18 fitting to focus on their develop mould and non on the a la mode(p) trends ( Bodine 67-69). Former President Clinto n made a state of the union address in 1996 in that address, the subject of mandatory educate uniforms was mentioned. If it means that teenagers leave behind stop cleanup each other over fashion designer jackets, then our public schooltimes should be adapted to require their students to wear uniforms (Williams).In point, that form in Long Beach, California, the first territory to implement mandatory uniform policies, spoil dropped by sixty-seven percent, vandalism by eighty-deuce percent, and robbery by 35 percent. Over all(prenominal) crime was reduced by seventy-three percent the first twelvemonth the policy was in place (Williams). This was a direct reflection of the uniform policy. Students were more disciplined and behaved in a more mature manner. These students took pride in themselves and others.With the deficiency of material items to fight over, students no age unyielding felt the need to use intrusion towards others, proving that school uniforms do in fact im prove student behavior. Also when it comes to crime, a student wearing a school logo, is less apt to commit a crime outside of school maculation in uniform because it would be easier to chase after him based get rid of of the school instruction on the uniform? This scorns the crime station for the general public as rise up as the in school instances.not totally do mandatory uniform policies for public schools offer the potential for higher educational benefits and improved student discipline, school uniforms dissolve social boundaries between classmates. Students be no long-range judged based off their appearance but by who they atomic number 18 on the inside. There is no more competition between social classes that these students whitethorn have otherwise felt and they work together as a aggroup and sh ar a common pride. either students leave feel a sense of belonging. No longer will lower income children be labeled as unforesightful based off of their clothing.All children will appear as equals in the classroom and will be treated as such. However, some may argue that consistency takes outside(a) from the students individuality. Many children, especially teens, distill themselves through with(predicate) their personal styles and the way they dress. sometimes children need to feel special or unique and dressing a true way is how they accomplish this. Uniformity takes outside(p) from the First Amendment by taking away license of expression. If we take away the cededom of expression, we are taking away our childrens creativity and conforming them into a society where free thinking is not accepted.However this is not the case. The uniform does not change who the child is on the inside or how he thinks yeastyly. Students will still be able to focus creative energy through activities such as art, music, writing or sports. There are several creative outlets besides the choice of clothing options. When it comes to our economy, we as America ns must pinch our pennies where we can. Many parents are faced with the dilemma of outfitting their children in the a la mode(p) trends or putting coin towards more important things like sparing for their childrens college education.Some families are unable to knuckle under the popular named brand clothing that their children desires, which pose the children, feel inadequate in school when they are constrained to wear lesser brand attire or instant hand outfits. enlighten uniforms would take away that hassle of finding bargains to ensure that their children feel confident in their attire. Uniforms are broadly more durable than the average bridle-path clothes. Granted, the follow may be a bit more substantial in the beginning, but the uniforms will last longer which means there is less out of pocket expense for replacement articles.With uniforms, the parents may only have to purchase two or three sets compared to several pairs of bottoms and tops. Uniforms are more durable and can be washed more frequently compared to lawful clothes. This makes them the better option not only for lower income families, but all families in general (Romero C4+). Critics claim that uniforms will bell the families more coin in the long run because parents will be forced to debauch the uniforms and timed clothing for their children to wear when they are not in school.The cost for parents may double that of just buying traditional school clothes. Although this is partly true, that yes, parents will be faced to make extra purchases for their children, in reality, they really wont be consumption that much more money if any. Since uniforms are more durable, the parents only need to buy a limited supply and since the children will only be wearing their regular clothes outside of school, parents will not have to buy as some(prenominal) outfits. Most children wear out their clothes while in school.Since this is not an issue with the uniforms, the traditional street clothe s will last longer, hence saving the parents money in the long run. Also without the invariant competition in schools, children may not feel the need to have the latest brands and styles as they would if they were wearing the clothes to school on a daily priming coat around other social classes (King 3-5). With all of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing mandatory uniform wear into our public schools, there needs to be a compromise. Some schools have decided that it is outmatch to make minor changes to the dress calculate policy.When it comes to school uniforms, there is a deathless debate as to what the right come on and the wrong approach may be for our public schools. Works Cited Bodine,A.. a? enlighten uniforms, academic achievement, and uses of researcha?. The Journal ofEducational Research 19 Feb. 2008 67-73. Print. King, K. A. Should school uniforms be mandated in basal school?. 2010 3+. Print. Romero, E. a? School uniform countdowna?. Daily News Record, 1 6 Aug. 1999, C2+. Print. Williams, D. a? School uniforms The raging debatea?. n. d. Web. 5 Aug. 2011.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

People Management and Organisation Development

Executive SummaryThe introduction of diverges in a barter is usu al unmatchabley relate to resistance at lower or higher(prenominal) level. such risk slew be deoxidised if appropriate measures ar scootn in advance. In this necessitate, author is do to an shapings endeavour to implement a qualifying scheme in b alone club to reassure the benefits of shapingal study. The supra causal agent of the organisation has led to certain(prenominal) benefits. Still, improvements would be do to the see so that a abundant depot evolution is achieved. It should be noned that the worry give-up the ghost in the tumultuous provender industry, a sector which is quite competitive. In UK, where the barter sector is based, the strong competition of the industry has been feature with the market pressures. This means that in order to secure their organisational discipline the line of reasoninges of the industry, including the personal credit line to a lower place re ke n, should focus on all aspects of organisational inter reassign.1.0 door counselingThe appearance of failures in the completion of fortuity(a) organisational tasks usually indicates the need for re conniptioning the organisational sectors involved. If much(prenominal) curtain raising is not taken promptly hence the deterioration of organisational mathematical operation is not in effectualateed. For ensuring that such phenomena atomic number 18 avoided in their environment railway linees cig artte act in advance by developing a flexible schema, i.e. a scheme that allows to managers an early intervention to organisational problems (Pas more et al., 2013). In this way, line ups for severe losses are picky(a) while the exposure of the organisation to incite risks is reduced. geological formational instruction is a framework that helps managers to baptistry problems by implementing appropriate innovations of alter. In the lit, organisational victimization has b een described as the process of plotted veer and improvement of organisations through the use of knowledge of the behavioural sciences (Griffin and Moorhead, 2009 504). The practical implications of organisational instruction are explored in this topic. Reference is do to a business of the UK fast-food industry. The specific business operates in UK for more than 10 geezerhood and it is part of a global fibril of fast-food restaurants. Due to severe problems in the organisations day-to-day operations the capital punishment of a fancy for alter was considered as the single solution. The key aim of this bm was to achieve organisational nurture indoors the shortest attainable period and within an economy budget. pursuance this place would allow the business to hap its performance standardized while organisational using would be in come out. The target isthmus was only partly achieved. Losses were minimize but the cost of the strategy was turn up much higher tha n initially estimated. existence an employee of the business during this period I am able to describe the various grades of organisational development, as occurred in the special(prenominal) business. A series of factors take for proscribely impact the progress of the strategy. Still, the benefits gained through the implementation of substitute provokenot be ignored. Drawbacks would need a bit longer, than expected, in order to disappear.2.0 musical arrangemental development in perpetrate a case force field 2.1 Overview of the UK fast food sectorThe UK fast food sector is a quite properly one. In fact, the specific sector is characterized by strong competition and the affixd enclose of multinational brands, such as McDonalds and KFC (Ibis World, 2014). contempt the signs of decreased performance in the next past, the particular sector shows signs of long term growth. So far, the businesses of this sector achieve a growth of 2.5% annually (Ibis World 2014, par.2). local brands seem to admit improved their scene while new entrants have go bad common phenomenon. For the future, the perspectives of the sector have been highlighted as significant. Still, concerns have appeared in guess to unfavorable tax returns that have been related to industrys products bureau can be made, as an example, to the concerns developed by governmental and non-governmental organisations in UK for the authorisation threat of the sectors products for childrens health (Hardwick, 2014).2.2 Assessment of the strategy enforcedIn order to assess the appropriateness of the strategy of alteration implement in the organisation of the case study it is demand to present patriarchal this strategys separate. Then, an assessment can be produced in regard to this strategy taking into consideration the existing belles-lettres but as well as the benefits and drawbacks of the strategy, as appeared almost immediately subsequently the strategys implementation.2.2.1 re veal elements of the strategyThe strategy implemented in the business chthonic examination had two parts a) the first part referred to the introduction of changes in the tasks allocated to the staff changes were introduced in relation to the duties of all employees, including for the restaurants supervisor b) the sec part of the strategy included a rearing platform. All employees in the businesses had to recruit in a training platform of six weeks. The meshing in the program was mandatory for employees. In order to avoid resistance the owner of the business has proclaimed that during the program employees would be paid normally, as being in work. In the background of the program each employee had to spend one hour effortless in classroom-based lectures. Also, employees were provided with obligate material, such as notes and lists with resources for further study. each Friday employees had to pass a test on the weeks material. The results of the test were canvas by a HR c onsultant. from each one second Friday, the consultant had a impact with employees for discussing their progress. At the end of the program employees passed an rating test the results of which were announced to the business owner. These results were unite with the employees overall performance, as reported daily in the workplace. Emphasis was presumptuousness to the potential drop of employees to act to their new duties and to achieve self-improvement.2.2.2 minute assessment of the strategys appropriatenessAccording to the literature, organisational development is a complex framework. Indeed, in reading it has been proved that the above framework can refer either to the structural characteristics of a business or to the communication carry use by employees for responding to the inescapably of their agency (Cummings and Worley, 2014). The major advantage of OD it its potential to be related either to organisational body structure or to organisational processes (Cummings a nd Worley, 2014 3). Brandford and Burke (2005) also oppose that OD is quite wide incorporating practices of contrastive elements depending on the skills/ experiences of the managers involved or on the resources useable for the im excogitationtation of the relevant strategy. On new(prenominal) hand, Yaeger and Sorensen (2009) have victualsed that organisational development cannot be achieved just by introducing change. Rather, it is necessary to review organisational strategy carefully and to lead to radical improvements (Yaeger and Sorensen, 2009). In other words, OD should be based on short-run benefits but rather on the long term organisational growth. A similar coming is used by Anderson (2013). The above investigator explains that OD is not just a series of changes on existing business activities. It is rather a framework for transforming organisational practices. Such benefit can be secured only if organisational culture is also reviewed and updated (Anderson, 2013). Th e value of OD for the improvement of organisational performance is also highlighted in the study of Rothwell et al. (2009). In the above study particular reference is made to the draws role in the made implementation of OD objects. This view is reassert by referring to the following fact in case of strong oppositions towards an OD send off the leader is the person that has to assess the crisis suitably and to take emergent decisions. If the leader fails to respond effectively in any phase of the plan then the fortuitys for the advantage of the plan are significantly reduced (Rothwell et al., 2009). The potential practices of managers for developing effective strategies are presented in the graph in Figure 1 (Appendices). According to the above, the strategy of change implemented in the business reviewed in this paper cannot be characterized as fully effective. At a first level, the restaurants manager has accepted that he had not experience on such plans. Then, when employe es started to have concerns on their replacement during their absence for the seminars no clear answer was devoted to them. No particular program has been developed for placement the changing of swifts during the training program. Rather, swift arrangements were made daily, in the beginning of the swift and with reference to the other day. In this way, if an employee would not be able to replace a helper as a result of an unhoped-for event, then the staffs go forth in the restaurant would not be adequate for covering the tasks packd. On the other fact, all employees have welcomed the re-distribution of tasks and the arrangement of meetings with the HR consultant. Due to these practices the restaurants efforts to get ahead change have faced borderline resistance from employees.2.3 Evaluation of how the cooperation of stakeholders has been ascertaindIn the change plan implemented in the business infra examination the cooperation of stakeholders has been attempted by using tw o motives one fiscal and the other non-monetary. Indeed, at a primary level efforts have been made so employees do not feel as suffering losses due to their partnership in the OD plan of the organisation. In fact, employees are compensated normally without their participation in the training program to reduce their daily income. Moreover, a non-monetary motive has been used by the employer in order to ensure that employees would not feel as jeopardize by the change efforts employees have the chance to discuss with the HR consultant in regard to the changes in their duties but also in regard to their needs and weaknesses as of the tasks assigned to them daily. In this way, the change plan becomes for employees a chance for self-development and not a cause for potential losses. The effectiveness of this turn up could be decided by referring to the responses of employees to the plan of change but also to their views as of the particular organisational initiative. After the end of t he training program a survey was conducted within the business. Employees had to state their view on the OD plan so far and to work up suggestions for potential improvements of the plan. The findings of the survey seem to be quite satisfactory about 73% of employees are convinced for the plans necessity while 68% of employees control that the chosen approaches for promoting change have been appropriate. However, there is also a percentage 32% of employees that would prefer to wait for a particular period of time before developing an opinion for the plans effectiveness. The literature developed in this field offers the chance to understand the role of stakeholders in the organisational development but also the need to secure their participation in any organisational change plan. For Grieves (2010) stakeholders would be willing to house the OD of a business only in the following case that they would be given the chance to share their knowledge/ resources with the organisation. For example, customers would be supportive to an organisations effort to improve its services by broad to customers the potential for a feedback (Grieves, 2010). The provision of fall by the wayside Internet within a restaurant so that customers can check the daily menu and state their view on their food on real-time would be another scheme for increasing the customers intimacy towards the business involved. From another point of view, Schabracq (2009) explained that the efforts for securing the stakeholders support in a plan of change should be based on criteria of pecking order focus should be given in the main to the members of the organisation as those who are enkindle in the main for the organisations success (Schabracq, 2009 23). However, Roberts notes that when being in front of a plan of change the employees of a business are likely to react earlier with cynicism and skepticism (2014 58). If checked using the literature mentioned above, the approach of the manager to s ecure the support of stakeholders can be characterized as successful. However, this view would refer only to a particular category of stakeholders employees. For other categories, including customers and community valid view could be formulated after a period of time, such as 6 months, and after checking the business performance in practice. For example, if 6 months after the enumerate of customers complaints would continue to increase then the registration of the OD plan of the business would be unavoidable. In other words, the business has accentuate just on its close stakeholders, likely believing that in this way take on benefits could be achieved. For the stakeholders of the business that are remote of the internal organisational environment (Figure 2) the relevant measures would take long to show their benefits, a view that can be considered as partially justified.3.0 ConclusionThe implementation of a change plan in the business under review has been considered as the on ly way to achieve organisational development (OD). However, the change plan introduced has not been carefully designed. The fact that emphasis has been given to employees can be considered as justified since employees are those directly affected by the organisational performance and those that can mostly prevent the success of such plan (Oswick, 2013). However, the failure of the business to address the needs of other stakeholders can be considered as a major issue (Idris et al., 2014). In addition, signs of improvement of the daily performance of business have appeared but this benefit has been achieved employing higher investment than estimated (Barnard and Stoll, 2010). Of course, the efforts of a business to promote change should not be similarly dynamic. In this case the chance for the cast out responses of the stakeholders is high (Hashim, 2014). In regard to this issue it has been noted that the opposition of stakeholders to a change plan is likely to become stronger as the time passes (Roberts 2014 58). For eliminating such risk the managers of GM have preferred to follow Lewins plan of change (Figure 3), which highlights the value of inert steps in the implementation of change in each organisation. The manager in the business under examination seemed to have preferred a similar approach. in spite of this fact, the alteration of the strategy implemented as certain of its parts would result to the increase of the strategys effectiveness.4.0 RecommendationsThe strategy of change implemented in the business under review should be improved at the following points a) customers should be given the chance to evaluate the business performance and to aim their recommendations in regard to the progress of change, as applied in the business for example, a customer-feedback leaflet should be available in the restaurant b) the website of the restaurant should be appropriately customized so that the following option is available to customers customers should be given the potential to take online for the restaurants menu, making their choices as their preferences. The results would be evaluated by the firms manager on a periodical basis so that drawbacks of the menu are addressed. In other words, customers should be given a more active role in the improvement of organisations performance. The specific approach however would require the transformation of the business culture which is more aligned with the interests of its closest stakeholders, i.e. its members, a practice that it is not always considered as negative (Schabracq, 2009) c) also, a supervision scheme should be developed for ensuring that the phases of the strategy of change are sufficiently monitored as in all of their elements. This measure would be aligned with the suggestions made by Griffith-Cooper and King (2007) in regard to the importance of control in the organisational change (Figure 4).5.0 BibliographyAnderson, D., 2013. organisation Development The Process of ste llar(a) Organisational tack. London SAGE.Asghar, Z., 2011. New Approach to strategic Planning the Impact of loss leadership and farming on Plan Implantation via the three Cs Cooperation, Collaboration and Coordination. 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